East Hunsbury Primary School is a happy and inclusive two-form entry primary school, with a 50-place Specialist Unit, in Northampton.
Our mission is simple - we want children to leave us:
- Knowing their future choices and opportunities
- Prepared for the next stage of their educational journey and
- Equipped with the skills to be able to contribute to making a better world.
All underpinned by our School Values of: Be Kind. Work Hard. Believe.
Talk for Writing has been instrumental in our progress, improvement and in helping us achieve our mission over the past 3 years so we are thrilled to be a Show Case School where we can offer a little back to other schools and support them on their TfW journey.
Here at East Hunsbury Primary, we have developed a progressive and ambitious curriculum in which talk, oracy and reading sits at its heart. It is a curriculum which represents our community and ensures that children are exposed to the richest and highest quality literature and models right from when they start us in reception. We are passionate about Professional Development within Talk for Writing and have built a strong team that leads English across the school, including our Headteacher who is a Talk for Writing trainer.
If you are considering Talk for Writing, or are already on your journey, we would love to show you around East Hunsbury Primary where you will see it embedded from Reception to Year 6. You will have the chance to see writing lessons, have a look at our curriculum and books and speak to our children and leaders. We are also happy to organise bespoke mornings for Trusts or groups of schools if requested. It will be an opportunity to learn about the journey we are on.
To find out a little more about our brilliant school have a look at our website: https://www.easthunsburyprimary.org.uk
We look forward to welcoming you.
Upcoming events
Open Morning
East Hunsbury Primary School, Northampton Penvale Road, Northampton, NorthamptonshireEast Hunsbury Primary School, Northampton ℹ️ Learn more about this school » Prices are per person. How to book this event Book here: https://forms.office.com/e/VxwS9tWpgU
Open Morning
East Hunsbury Primary School, Northampton Penvale Road, Northampton, NorthamptonshireEast Hunsbury Primary School, Northampton ℹ️ Learn more about this school » Prices are per person. How to book this event Book here: https://forms.office.com/e/VxwS9tWpgU
Kathryn Pennington, Headteacher