Conferences › The Legend of Podkin One-Ear

Novel Conference 2024

Using a novel to inspire outstanding writing – The Legend of Podkin One-Ear

Presented by Pie Corbett and Jamie Thomas, with author Kieran Larwood.

This brand-new conference will explore how to use a novel to inspire high-quality writing from your class. To demonstrate the techniques, the day will be focussed on the Blue Peter Book Award-winning children’s novel The Legend of Podkin One-Ear by Kieran Larwood.

Friday 9th February, 2024  - 9.30am-3.15pm

Each delegate place will include a copy of Podkin One-Ear. Kieran will be available to sign copies on the day.

To get the most out of the course, delegates will need to read the book before attending. Copies of Podkin One-Ear will be sent out to delegates one month before the course takes place.

Your Trainers

Pie Corbett Profile
Pie Corbett

Pie Corbett is an English educational trainer, writer, author and poet who has written over two hundred books. He is also known for promoting creative approaches in the classroom and has experience as a teacher, head teacher and Ofsted inspector.

Jamie - Talk for Writing trainer
Jamie Thomas

Jamie is the former Head of Warren Road Teaching School Alliance. He embedded Talk for Writing across Warren Road School and it proved to be by far the most successful whole school initiative undertaken. Jamie currently leads all elements of Talk for Writing training.

What the training will cover

The conference will use Podkin One-Ear to:

  • Share strategies that enable children to observe and activate language that feeds into their writing
  • Model how short-burst writing can be used to fuel both narrative and non-fiction writing
  • Look at how toolkits can enable children to write confidently and cohesively


Conference places are £215 per person + VAT. (Schools can reclaim VAT).

If there is more than one delegate booked from the same school ALL bookings from that school are entitled to 10% off the cost. Two bookings from one school therefore costs £193.50 per person.