TfW Primary Expert
Available for training across the whole of the South West of England, Herefordshire, South Wales and internationally.
Maria first became involved in Talk for Writing as part of the NLS South West pilot in 2007, whilst working as a school improvement adviser for Somerset. Since then, she has worked closely with schools to implement the Talk for Writing techniques and strategies in order to raise standards in writing. She has delivered training and consultancy in a variety of settings, offering INSET days, planning days and one to one support to embed Talk for Writing into everyday practice. Additionally, she has worked with groups of schools on longer term writing projects, successfully raising their writing standards through focussed, consistent application of Talk for Writing. She also regularly provides training and consultancy online for international settings.
Through all this work, she has gained a wealth of experience in setting up the successful implementation of Talk for Writing across a school, underpinned by her wealth of knowledge in school improvement.
Maria can offer the Talk for Writing projects, plus bespoke support, to match a school’s priorities, contexts and development.
“Maria has worked with our school for the last 18 months as we have implemented the T4W process. She is a great ambassador for the strategy. She is extremely enthusiastic, has brilliant ideas and is passionate about the improved outcomes for children, achieved through T4W. Maria has worked tirelessly to constantly support, enthuse and guide us. She has been totally invaluable to our school in improving writing opportunities for our children.”Headteacher
“Maria provides outstanding INSET and support without fail! Her passion for Talk for Writing enthuses others and is always founded in reality, making every session a “gold mine of practical nuggets” that can be applied within any class room.”Headteacher
“When we need support to improve writing within our school Maria is ALWAYS our number one choice; we only use the best!!”Headteacher
“The Talk for Writing training in our school has allowed teaching staff to be re-energised and really enjoy teaching writing, whilst at the same time raising standards! Thank you for the high quality training which has inspired all staff, which in turn has inspired the pupils.”Headteacher
“Maria’s INSET is inspirational. Our staff always ask for more! After our recent parents’ workshop led by Maria, they said that every mum and dad should get a chance to see Maria’s approach to writing!”Headteacher
“Maria is a breath of fresh air – handing on the essential skills of literacy teaching in such an engaging way. She has a breadth of practical classroom experience and this, combined with her sense of humour and enthusiastic delivery, ensure that her training sessions are hugely informative and entertaining.”Learning Partnership Coordinator and ex-Headteacher